Publix Haul

I did some grocery shopping today and did pretty well. I spent $68.68 and saved $81.73. It always is exciting to save more than you spend.

The best deal today was the Fusion Shave Gel that my Fiance will only use. By combining a Publix store coupon and Manufacturers coupon, I got these for free. Thanks to the Publix forum at for that one.

How I became an accidental homemaker

Anyone who knew me in college or earlier, would say that I am the least likely person they know to cook, clean, or get married. The typical things happened which changed me, I met the right guy, aging, purchased our first home, and the overwhelming desire for homemade food. So now here I am, a changed woman.

In this blog, I will write about different recipes, cleaning techniques, and my most favorite topic; frugality. Sharing my frequent trips to grocery and drug stores while taking advantage of sales, coupons, and rebates.