Adventures in Chicken Stock

Once a month I make my favorite roast chicken recipe found on cheap healthy good. It is a lemon chicken that is so moist and delicious. It is also economical and healthy which is so important these days.

Not wanting to waste any part of this chicken, I decided to try to make chicken stock. I have never done so before but have read how much more tasty it is than the store bought stuff and did not think it would be all that difficult. I used an Alton Brown recipe found on the Food Network site. The only changes I made was not using a chicken neck because my chicken did not come with one and the lack of peppercorns because I forgot to pick some up at the store. I used ground pepper instead. The recipe makes quite a bit of stock, definitely enough to last my family a few months.

The delicious smell of the stock is still wafting through my house, almost 24 hours after it was cooked. Now I need to come up with some creative ways to use it.


- Worked out on the elliptical trainer 24 minutes.
- Baked a loaf of bread last week-end.
- Finished a book last week.

Planning Day

Piggly Wiggly was the first self-service groce...Image via Wikipedia

Sunday is the day when I plan out the meals for the week, grocery shop, and do any bulk cooking that I can.

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Day One

My first Saturday working on my partial list. I plan to start a biga for my one loaf of bread this week. For those that do not know what a biga is it is a pre-ferment used in break baking that gives the bread a light, open texture and a flavorful taste. The recipe I am using requires the biga to sit for 12-16 hours in room temperature. This will allow me to start actually baking my loaf, Sunday morning.

To move forward on my walking goal and to run a 5K, I am planning on walking through my neighborhood to get some exercise.

That may conclude my list activities for this Saturday but I will be thinking of more items to add to get me to the magic 100 number.

- Make a look book with 31 outfits in it (0/31)
- Take a dance class
- Complete a craft

More for the list

- Bake one loaf of bread per week for three months (1/12)
- 5000 steps per day for six weeks (0/42)
- Go back to school
- Get involved in local politics
- Be in bed by 10 PM M-TH 30 days in a row (0/30)

101 Goals in 1001 Days

I stumbled upon a blog where the blogger posted a list of 101 goals to accomplish in 1001 days. As she completed them, she checked each off. This really inspired me to make my own list.


- Bake an amazing, bakery quality baguette.
- Make great pizza
- Come up with my own recipe


-Paint office

- Run a 5K
- Weight train 3 times a week for four months


- Read two books a month

- Join a club
- Be nice